

Comparable to boards of education of district schools, trustees focus on vision, goals and expectations for the school, determine the annual budget, and develop policies in support of the school’s mission. Trustee applications are welcome any time. Trustee applicants are asked to participate consistently in trustee meetings to initiate the application process.

Group email goes to all voting trustees (below) trustees@ridgeandvalley.org
Steve Andrasek (973) 903-8417 steve@hardwick-group.com
Kerry Barnett (908) 362-7244 kerry.barnett.direct@gmail.com
Julie Budzinski (908) 400-7243 JulieRVCS@gmail.com
Cindy Calzaretta Calvano (908) 509-1279 rvcscindy@gmail.com
Andy Marancik (973) 948-2865 marancik.a@gmail.com
Dave McNulty (908) 362-7638 dmcnulty@d-scape.com
Jennifer Gurdak (908) 319-4990 jlgurdak@hotmail.com
Jessi Sohl (908) 684-8355 mybluedaisies@comcast.net

To meet our trustees, click here.

In addition to the voting trustees, the Leadership Team, Business Coordinator, and School Business Administrator serve as non-voting trustees. Employees of the school are not eligible to serve as voting trustees.

Contacting Trustees

You are invited to offer comment, suggestion, or questions at any time by e-mail, a note in any Trustee’s mailbox in the office, or in person at a Trustee meeting. If you cannot be present, please communicate in writing so your views can be represented clearly at a subsequent meeting.

Trustee Meetings

The Trustees of Ridge and Valley Charter School meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 6pm in the Community Room, with the first Thursday a working session to establish the agenda for the third Thursday. Formal action may be taken at either meeting. Facilitation rotates monthly. The Trustees are bound by the Open Public Meetings Act to consider and decide issues transparently. Please note that though Trustees are often present in the school and always available for communication, the views of individual Trustees do not necessarily represent the views of the group.

Students and families are always welcome to join the public trustee meetings held in the Community Room at 6 pm on the third Thursday of the month. A designated time for Public Comment appears early in the agenda at each meeting. Public Comment is always welcome.

Topics for the agenda are circulated via RVCS News email the week before the public meeting. Approved minutes of public trustee meetings are posted on https://ridgeandvalley.org/. Minutes are generally approved at the subsequent month’s meeting.